Directions to Camp St. Charles
15375 Stella Maris Drive Newburg MD is our physical location. Please use this address in your GPS. (Sometimes guests are misdirected to other locations so please double check)
From the Washington DC/Northern VA Area: Take the Capital Beltway to Exit 7 (Branch Ave South) to connect with U.S. 301 South. Travel South on 301, through Waldorf and Laplata. Continue South on 301 to MD Highway 257. U.S. 301 and MD 257 intersect in Newburg. (If you reach the Nice Bridge, you have passed MD 257.) Turn Left on 257 and continue for approximately 10 miles. After the intersection of Rt 257 and 254, make the Second Left onto Stella Maris Drive. Continue on Stella Maris Drive to the camp entrance. Portions of Stella Maris Drive are gravel, please drive slowly.
From the Richmond Area: Travel North on US 301 into Maryland. Turn Right onto MD Rt. 257 at Newburg. MD Rt. 257 is the first intersection following the Nice Bridge. Continue on 257 for approximately 10 miles. After the intersection of Rt 257 and 254, make the Second Left onto Stella Maris Drive. Continue on Stella Maris Drive to the camp entrance. Portions of Stella Maris Drive are gravel, please drive slowly.