Camp Location: Camp St. Charles 15375 Stella Maris Drive Newburg, MD 20664
1. I need the camp health form, can I get it from the website? All required and optional camp forms can be found in the document center of your ultracamp account. (ultracamp is our camp registration program) Please visit the camp forms page for all current forms.
2. When are the health forms due? The health forms and final payment are due one month prior to camp attendance. If your child has ANY special medical concerns, you are encouraged to speak with the camp director prior to enrolling for camp so that we can discuss your child's needs and ensure that they can be safely included in our program.

3. What does my child need to pack for camp? Please review the mini session packing list or two week session packing list. There are a few items that may not be required by all camps: crocs/water shoes and a trunk/footlocker (not a suitcase).
For special night activity events, campers enjoy dressing in their cabin color. One tee shirt in the cabin color is plenty, no need to purchase multiple shirts. Craft stores like Michael's and A.C.Moore often have solid color shirt for just a few dollars. This is totally optional and you likely have a suitable item in your child's wardrobe. Cabins 1-3 are for girls and cabins 4-6 are for boys.
Here are the Cabin Colors,
Cabin 1- Purple
Cabin 2- Yellow
Cabin 3- Blue
Cabin 4- Green
Cabin 5- Orange
Cabin 6- Red
Parents will receive an email with cabin assignment information about two weeks prior to camp attendance. These details and other camp updates will be shared via the parent email addresses use in the camper registration process. Please contact us if you'd like to update your email on file. Please email to update your contact details.
Please label everything. We love Mabel's Labels! Please note that campers must wear covered toed shoes, NO FLIP FLOPS. Many campers wear crocs since they can get wet and can be worn for most activities. Crocs can be worn in the shower, too. Campers also love to decorate their crocs with croc charms, called jibbitz. (this also helps campers to find their crocs on the cabin shoe rack) Sneakers are required for some camp activities. Water shoes are great for Stand Up Paddleboarding.

Everything Summer Camp
Our campers get great discounts on
camp trunks and lots of other camp gear.
4. Can I provide a care package for my camper?
Since our local post office closed, sending mail to camp has been slow and frustrating for parents. We do not recommend mailing any items to camp due to the long, long delays. We recommend dropping off a care package when you check in your camper. We will deliver the package on Wednesday. If your child is attending a two week camp session, you may leave two packages, one for each week of camp.
Care packages should be no larger than a small shoe box. Care packages may contain a wide range of items depending on the family's preference. Some common goodies include cards, letters, photos, small toys, deck of cards, books, magazines, candy and other snacks. Please ensure that all food items are in factory sealed packaging.
Please do not send anything that is not permitted at camp. Gum is not allowed at camp, food is ok if it is individually wrapped or in a resealable container.
Parents are invited to use bunk notes to communicate with their camper during the camp session. Bunknotes are printed and delivered daily. See your parent folder (handed out during check in) for more details.
5. What time do we check in on the first day of camp? Check in is always the first Sunday of camp and takes place from 1pm-3pm. Check in will be a kiss and go, drive through check in. Counselors will assist campers in getting set up in their cabins. This began as a covid necessity but we found that many parents preferred the process and our couselors observed that the transition was much better for our campers.
6. What time can I pick up my child on the last day of camp? Check out will be on Friday evenings from 6-8pm on the final friday of the camp session. If you are unable to pick up betwen 6-8pm on check out day, please contact the camp director to arrange a 1pm pick up on check out day. We are not able to accommodate check out at other times, please reach out if you have an emergency.
7. My child has a medical issue that I need to talk to the camp nurse about. When can I speak with the nurse? Every parent will have the opportunity to talk to the camp nurse on check in day. You are encouraged to discuss your child's medical needs with the camp director and camp nurse prior to enrolling your child for camp and prior to arrival. Parents are encouraged to discuss any special circumstances (medical or otherwise) far in advance of camp attendance so that the camp director may share information (as appropriate) with other camp staff prior to the arrival of campers.
8. My child will be taking medication at camp, how will it be distributed? Our camp nurse will collect any medications and review the instructions for how and when the medication is to be administered. Parents should hold onto all medications until they reach the nurse's stop during check in. Campers will unload and say goodbye before reaching the nurse's station. All medications will be given according to a doctor's written instructions. All medications (prescription and over the counter) must be brought to camp in their original packaging. Please do not put medications into pill organizers, baggies etc. Vitamins and other supplements will be given by Dr's orders only. Left over medications will be returned to parents during check out. If you have any concerns regarding your child's medical needs while at camp, please contact the camp director prior to enrollment. Medical Information
9. My child takes Tylenol for headaches some times, do I need to bring that to camp? Camp stocks many other the counter medications listed on the health form, so you do not need to bring it. If your child requires the Dye free or some other special version of an over the counter medication, then please bring it to camp. Parents can also decline any common medications on the annual health form.
10. How can I keep in touch with my camper? Campers can receive and send daily messages (through the Bunk1 service). In case of emergency, talk to the camp director. Cell phones are not permitted at camp. Cell phones often do not work well at camp, we don't have enough outlets to allow campers to charge their phones, campers are often in or near water. We want campers to practice some independance and cell phones can interfere with that growth. Additionally, many phones allow access to the internet and we at camp cannot monitor what ideas, images and people are communicating with our campers via their cell phones. Please do not send cell phones to camp. We are happy to check in with your camper and will discuss a phone call if there is an emergency. A video about how bunk notes work.
11. I see that campers are asked to bring a trunk to camp, where can I find one? We highly recommend ordering from Everything Summer Camp, they are great quality trunks and they were recommended to us by a camper's mother. Flyers for Everything Summer Camp are sent to each camper. Each child needs to have a trunk that can be locked, Rubbermaid or other plastic containers are also fine to use. The Container Store, Target and Walmart also stock trunks. Do not use suitcases, they are very difficult to keep organized at camp. When selecting a trunk, keep in mind that campers often sit and stand on their trunks so trunks need to be sturdy.
12. My child requested to be on the same team as another child. How do I know if they will be? Campers in the same team will also be in the same cabin. Parents will receive cabin assignments in advance of camp attendance. We do our best to honor MUTUAL requests for campers of the same age group and gender for cabins and teams. For our camp ages groups, Middies are ages 6-9 years old, Minors are 10-11 years old and Majors are 12-13 years old. We encourage families to connect and request one another when registering. Camp is also an opportunity for new connections, which can be more challenging when many campers are already friends so we ask families to limit their requests to a maximum of 3 names.
13. I signed up for photo access and do not see a picture of my child today, is something wrong? We try to take as many pictures as possible each day. Sometimes a camper is on a camp out, riding the boats or happens to be away from his/her group when the photographer is around. If you have not seen your child for a day or two, you can send an email to the camp director so that we can make sure we get more. photo gallery access is complimentary. Parents can use the same user name and log in that was used for online camp registration, for the bunk1 photo gallery and the bunk1 app. Some campers HATE having their photo taken and we do not want to pester them for photos if it is making camp less enjoyable.
14. Can my child bring his kindle, iPod, digital camera, cell phone etc? We do not want campers to bring anything expensive to camp. These items may be lost or damaged so they are best left home. Cell phones are not permitted. Camp is an opportunity to "unplug" from technology and get back to basics. If you'd like to send an inexpensive digital camera, you may do so as long as you understand that it may be lost, damaged, and Camp St. Charles is not responsible. If your child uses a kindle for reading and you are comfortable with them bringing it to camp, you may send it. It will be your child's responsibility.
15. I emailed my child (through and he has not replied, it everything alright? Your camper will not be able to reply to your bunk note unless you opt to "INCLUDE BUNK REPLY STATIONARY." Bunknotes are delivered daily at 1:30 pm and campers are sometimes slow to write back to their parents. Many campers are so busy having fun that they do not want to take time out to write home. If you are concerned, please call or email camp and we would be happy to check on your camper and encourage them to write back to you. The campers are reminded daily to complete bunk replies in blue or black ink and hand them in to their cabin counselor during siesta.
16. My camper is new to overnight camp and would like to start with a one week camp session. Is that possible? Yes, we offer one or two week camp sessions so that families may select either length of camp session.
Our youngest campers (6-7 year olds) can be very tired after one week of camp as our days are very busy with lots of activity and fun. We strongly recommend that 6-7 year old campers attend a one week session.
17. How do you handle homesickness/missing home/home lonliness? Most children experience some amount of homesickness when attending any overnight camp. It is a great opportunity for children to grow and overcome those anxious feelings. After the first few days of camp, most campers are settled into camp and having a blast. If a child is experiencing a lot of homesickness (and those feelings are making it challenging to enjoy camp), we will contact you to talk about how to help your child to overcome homesickness. Rarely, we suggest that a child leave camp early because of homesickness. (about 3 times in the last 20 years) Parents can help their children prepare for camp by talking about all the fun of camp and what to do if something is not going well. If your child is not able to spend the night away from home, they may not be ready for an overnight camp. We work hard to team up with parents to assist a child in working through homesickness. Like all significant personal growth, the process is not always comfortable but the rewards are long lasting.
18. My child has bed wetting accidents. How is this handled at camp? It is not uncommon for children to occasionally wet the bed at camp. If your child takes medication to help control the problem, continue the medication at camp. Medications are given confidentially by our nurse or other infirmary staff in the infirmary. Contact the camp director for some tips about what to pack to minimize any embarassment should your child have a wet bed at camp. Reassure your child that he or she will not be the only one at camp dealing with this issue and staff will be sensitive and ready to help.
19. My child's other parent does not have custody of our child. How is this handled? Camp will need a copy of the custody order to prevent the other parent from signing out your child. We assume that both parents have custody unless we have legal documentation to state otherwise. It is essential that parents notify camp if their are custody issues or other concerns about another adult who may attempt to pick up a child from camp. We will notify all staff of the situation and be sure to protect your child from feeling singled out. Please include your child's co-parent on forms and communications with camp so that everyone is included in updates.
20. I see that a bathing suit appropriate for athletics is listed on the packing list. My daughter thinks that other girls will have two piece suits, is that a strict rule at camp? Yes, we want campers to have swimwear that allows them to be fully active in all camp activities. Campers may not wear or bring two piece bathing suits to camp unless it is a modest two piece and the top and bottom over lap. Some campers opt for a shorts and tee shirt style suit, which is acceptable. We will be swimming, paddleboarding, tubing and exploring the river so a swimsuit that is appropriate for athletics is a good choice.
21. What are the expectations for the Day Trip for Majors (12-13 year old campers)? Majors will be taking a trip to a zipline park called Terrapin Adventures. Campers will attend the day trip with their counselors and lunch, snacks and water will be provided. Campers will be provided with a camp tee shirt and string bag to carry items on the trip. Campers may keep both.
The Day trip is a special trip for our older group of campers. Campers who have not been repectful of camp rules and expectations may not be permitted to attend the trip. Campers will be with counselors throughout the bus trip, day at the outing and traveling home from camp. Campers will follow instructions from their counselors and the bus driver while riding the bus and are expected to remain seated, refrain from eating or drinking on the bus and to continue with the camp rules regarding respectful and appropriate language and treatment of others.
22. I would like to give my major camper some spending money for the Major's Day Trip, how much should I send? Please do not pack or send spending money for the day trip. Campers will be provided for during the event. This helps us to provide the same experience for all campers and avoid concerns over valuables, like money, being misplaced at camp.
23. Does my child need money for snacks or the camp store? No money is needed at camp. The canteen (snacks) are included in tuition. Twice daily snacks are served to all campers. We offer a variety of snacks, including cheese sticks, fresh fruit, chips, cookies and more. Tee shirts and other items can be purchased online and collected during check out or through pop up shop sales offered during the school year.
24. My child is not Catholic but it interested in attend Camp St. Charles, is that permitted? Of course, all children are welcome to attend camp. We will be saying prayers throughout the day and our faith is an important part of our lives at camp and our goal is to be welcoming to all. Mass is celebrated on Sundays and all campers will attend. Non-catholics and those who have not made their first Holy Communion should refrain from receiving the host but are welcome to come up forward for a blessing, if they wish.
25. I would like to visit the camp prior to drop off, when may I visit? Pre-registration for open house events is encouraged and walk ins are welcome. Open House Sunday events are scheduled for Sundays October 6, March 9 and April 13 from 11am-3pm at 15375 Stella Maris Drive in Newburg MD. Some sessions are likely to fill up prior to our spring open house events. Tours will be given, and photos of camp in action will be shown on a slideshow in the mess hall. Sign up here to RSVP for an open house tour.
26. My child has food allergies (other dietary restrictions), could he attend Camp St. Charles? We have had many children with food allergies, vegetarians, etc at camp in the past. We can have children attend when the child is VERY aware of what he is permitted to eat and should avoid and if parents are willing to bring some alternative choices that we can offer the child when the menu does not meet their needs. Please discuss your child's needs with the camp director prior to attending camp. We also ask that you teach your child not to share homemade snacks that may come in care packages since we will not know if those items are safe for him to enjoy. If your child is not able to safely navigate food choices away from parents, they are not ready to attend our summer program. If you child has any dietary restrictions, please provide details on the registration form to help us in caring for your child. In addition to noting your child's needs on the health form and on the special dietary needs form online (part of the registration program) Please do take some time to share about your child's favorite foods, this is a big help in providing alternative meals that your child will enjoy. Thank you!
27. How soon should I enroll my child? Is there space available? Enrollment patterns vary from year to year and I encourage parents to enroll early if they have a particular session that they are interested in. Some sessions may fill as early as Christmas. Returning families are invited to enroll first. Registration for returning families began on Oct 1, 2023 and new families may enroll beginning on Oct 15. Visit the dates and rates page for availability updates.
28. What If I need to cancel my child's enrollment? The $200 deposit is non-refundable and all tuition payments are non-refundable within 30 days of the start of the camp session. Families are encouraged to consider purchasing cancellation insurance coverage offered during camp registraiton. Camp St Charles works hard to keep tuition afforable and simply cannot afford to refund late season cancellations regardless of the reason. Cancellation requests must be made it writing with the camper's name, session and a request for cancellation more than 30 days prior to scheduled arrival at camp.
29. What Covid19 mitigation protocols will be in place? Camp St Charles will continue to complete with regulations and recommendations from the health department and the American Camp Association. At this time, we do not anticipate pre-camp or during camp routine covid testing to be required. As always, we welcome your well child to camp. Any child who is experiencing signs and symptoms of illness should not check in to camp until they are well. A well child has been free of symptoms without medication for 24 hours.